Concept Definition Forms of Pollution

Pollution threatens the basic life support system and core of our beloved planet (water, air and soil). This development highlights the importance of pollution control in environmental health.
In this section, we will discuss the definition and forms of pollution that are common in our environment.
At the end of this article, you will be able to:
• Define pollution
• Describe the different forms of pollution.
Often, things or substances or media (water, food, soil, air) are seen in their natural form, clean and pure, as expected in quality and limits. When a negative factor that is not part of the original material / media is in a visible concentration that affects the value of the material / media, contamination has occurred.
Pollution happens every day in our environment as a result of our daily efforts, whether intentional or by accident. Pollution also results from natural events such as forest fires, storms, climate change, etc. At the micro level, we pollute the water we keep for drinking even at home by pouring ink, paint or sawdust into the pool, making it change or pollute it so much that it not good at parties.
At high levels, the tunnel can become polluted by putting large amounts of human waste into it.
Definition of Pollution
Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment that causes harmful changes. The encyclopedia Wikipedia defines pollution as pollution or impurity, especially the pollution of harmful substances. Another explanation given is environmental pollution due to human activities.
The Farlex dictionary also defines pollution as the presence of substances and conditions that affect the health and well-being of people in the community.
Pollution is an act or process of pollution or a situation in which it is polluted, especially the pollution of land, water or air through the release of harmful substances.
In all the shades of the above definition, what is common is that in any act of abuse, something other than the first part of this article has been introduced to make a great change in its quality.
Therefore, technically speaking, for there to be pollution, the pollutant (pollutant) must be of sufficient quantity or volume to cause an adverse change (color, odor, organic content, temperature, taste, etc.) and environmental factors.
Therefore, he argues that one drop of ink in water does not cause contamination or the presence of 0.001 of E. coli in one liter of water, making it contaminated water.
Many authorities have set standards for potential pollution, particularly for water and air pollution.
In Nigeria, there are national water quality standards and state water bodies also have national water quality standards as criteria for water pollution or acceptable water quality.
Forms of Pollution
By convention, pollution or contamination of the environment is defined according to the type it provides. The main types are:
• Air pollution: the release of chemicals and particles into the air. Common air pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and nitrogen oxides produced by factories and vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are produced when nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react with sunlight.
• Light Pollution: Includes light penetration, light intensity, and atmospheric interference.
• Littering: Criminals throw people’s belongings into public and private spaces.
• Noise pollution: which includes traffic noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise, and high-frequency sonars.
• Soil Contamination: Occurs when chemicals are released from underground spills or leaks. Among the most important pollutants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
• Radioactive pollution: from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as the development of nuclear power and the research, development and deployment of nuclear weapons.
• Thermal pollution is the change in temperature in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as the use of water as a heating medium in power plants.
• Visible pollution, which may refer to the presence of overhead power lines, highways, billboards, elevated terrain (such as during mining n ‘up), where open waste, municipal solid waste or open waste is stored.
• Water pollution: from the discharge of sewage from commercial and industrial waste into surface waters, the discharge of untreated sewage and chemical pollution, such as chlorine, from treated sewage; the release of waste and pollutants into surface water runoff and surface water (including municipal and agricultural runoff that may contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides) waste disposal and dumping into groundwater, eutrophication and marine litter.
Indoor air Pollution
Indoor air pollution is the presence of pollutants in the air of the home. We get chemicals and particles in the air we breathe, and the air we breathe is mostly in the rooms we spend most of our time in.
For example, fires that take place in homes and other buildings from cooking and heating often produce large amounts of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and active particulates.
According to Masters (2005), cigarette smoke emits carbon monoxide, benzene, acrolein and other aldehydes and particulates, as well as about 4,000 other chemicals. Some photographers emit ozone. Building materials such as board, plywood emit urea formaldehyde. Carved and moldy paint containing lead turns into toxic airborne dust.
A large number of volatile organic compounds come from household cleaners, paints, carpets, and many other chemicals we use in our homes.
Many pollutants, such as cigarette smoke and radon gas, if released outdoors, have many dilutions. Therefore, people are rarely exposed to dangerous levels of pollution.
However, these pollutants can be concentrated, especially indoors, resulting in harmful exposure levels. Sources of indoor air pollution include:
1. Asbestos and other fibrous aerosols – Friable asbestos, vinyl flooring and cement products.
2. Carbon monoxide – Kerosene and hot gas, gas, fireplaces, fireplaces and smokers.
3. Formaldehyde –sheets, paneling, plywood carpeting, ceiling and urea formaldehyde type coating, other building materials.
4. Inhalation of particulate matter – smokers, vacuum cleaners, wood stoves, fires.
5. Nitrogen dioxide – Kerosene and gas heaters, gas stovu.
6. Ozone –Copiers.
7. Radon and Radon Radon – Spread from soil, groundwater, building materials.
8. Insecticides –Aerosols.
9. Tobacco – cigarettes.
10. Bacteria, viruses, pollens – Pets, plants, humans
Conclusions and concepts and definitions of pollution
Finally, pollution and its control is a very important part of environmental health practice. We can better define pollution and describe where it occurs and distinguish between different types of pollution as they occur.
In this article, we have defined pollution and we are happy with the fact that when we talk about pollution, we are talking about something that is not normal in the environment and perhaps that there is a risk.
The ability to improve human health has entered the medium (water, air, land, etc.), which has harmed his character. There are also different types of pollution such as air, water and soil pollution.