Cyber Crimes Classification and Types of Cyber Crimes

Cyber Security is a process that’s designed to protect networks and devices from external threats. Businesses typically employ Cyber Security professionals to protect their confidential information, maintain employee productivity, and enhance customer confidence in products and services.
The world of Cyber Security revolves around the industry standard of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, or CIA. Privacy means data can be accessed only by authorized parties; integrity means information can be added, altered, or removed only by authorized users; and availability means systems, functions, and data must be available on demand according to agreed-upon parameters.
The main element of Cyber Security is the use of authentication mechanisms. For example, a user name identifies an account that a user wants to access, while a password is a mechanism that proves the user is who he claims to be.
In this article, you will be able to define cyber security, classify cybercrimes and describe the types of cybercrime.
Classification of Cyber Crimes
The cyber-criminal could be internal or external to the organization facing the cyber-attack. Based on this fact, the cybercrime could be categorized into two types:
1. Insider Attack
An attack to the network or the computer system by some person with authorized system access is known as insider attack. It is generally performed by dissatisfied or unhappy inside employees or contractors. The motive of the insider attack could be revenge or greed. It is comparatively easy for an insider to perform a cyber-attack as he is well aware of the policies, processes, IT architecture and wellness of the security system.
Moreover, the attackers have an access to the network. Therefore, it is comparatively easy for an insider attacker to steel sensitive information, crash the network, etc. In most of the cases, the reason for insider attack is when an employee is fired or assigned new roles in an organization, and the role is not reflected in the IT policies. This opens a vulnerability window for the attacker. The insider attack could be prevented by planning and installing an internal intrusion detection system (IDS) in the organization
2. External Attack
When the attacker is either hired by an insider or an external entity to the organization, it is known as external attack. The organization which is a victim of cyber-attack not only faces financial loss but also the loss of reputation. Since the attacker is external to the organization, so these attackers usually scan and gathering information. An experienced network/security administrator keeps regular eye on the log generated by the firewalls as external attacks can be traced out by carefully analyzing these firewall logs. Also, Intrusion Detection Systems are installed to keep an eye on external attacks. The cyber-attacks can also be classified as structure attacks and unstructured attacks based on the level of maturity of the attacker.
3. Unstructured attacks
These attacks are generally performed by amateurs who do not have any predefined motive to perform the cyber-attack. Usually, these amateurs try to test a tool readily available over the internet on the network of a random company
4. Structure Attack
These types of attacks are performed by highly skilled and experienced people and the motives of these attacks are clear in their mind. They have access to sophisticated tools and technologies to gain access to other networks without being noticed by their Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). Moreover, these attackers have the necessary expertise to develop or modify the existing tools to satisfy their purpose. These types of attacks are usually performed by professional criminals, by a country on other rival countries, politicians to damage the image of the rival person or the country, terrorists, rival companies, etc.
Types of Cyber Crimes
Cybercrime is any unauthorized activity involving a computer, device, or network. The three types are computer-assisted crimes, crimes where the computer itself is a target, and crimes where the computer is incidental to the crime rather than directly related to it. Cybercriminals usually try to profit off of their crimes using a variety of tactics, including:
1. Denial of Service, or DOS
These are used to make an online service unavailable and take the network down by overwhelming the site with traffic from a variety of sources. Large networks of infected devices known as Botnets are created by depositing malware on users’ computers. The hacker then hacks into the system once the network is down.
2. Botnets
Botnets are networks from compromised computers that are controlled externally by remote hackers. The remote hackers then send spam or attack other computers through these botnets. Botnets can also be used to act as malware and perform malicious tasks.
3. Identity
Theft This cybercrime occurs when a criminal gains access to a user’s personal information to steal funds, access confidential information, or participate in tax or health insurance fraud. They can also open a phone/internet account in your name, use your name to plan a criminal activity and claim government benefits in your name. They may do this by finding out user’s passwords through hacking, retrieving personal information from social media, or sending phishing emails.
4. Cyber stalking
This kind of cybercrime involves online harassment where the user is subjected to a plethora of online messages and emails. Typically, cyber stalkers use social media, websites and search engines to intimidate a user and instill fear. Usually, the cyber stalker knows their victim and makes the person feel afraid or concerned for their safety.
5. Social Engineering
Social engineering involves criminals making direct contact with you usually by phone or email. They want to gain your confidence and usually pose as a customer service agent so you’ll give the necessary information needed. This is typically a password, the company you work for, or bank information. Cybercriminals will find out what they can about you on the internet and then attempt to add you as a friend on social accounts. Once they gain access to an account, they can sell your information or secure accounts in your name.
6. PUPs PUPS or Potentially Unwanted
Programs are less threatening than other cybercrimes, but are a type of malware. They uninstall necessary software in your system including search engines and pre-downloaded apps. They can include spyware or adware, so it’s a good idea to install antivirus software to avoid the malicious download.
7. Phishing
This type of attack involves hackers sending malicious email attachments or URLs to users to gain access to their accounts or computer. Cybercriminals are becoming more established and many of these emails are not flagged as spam. Users are tricked into emails claiming they need to change their password or update their billing information, giving criminals access.
8. Prohibited/Illegal Content
This cybercrime involves criminals sharing and distributing inappropriate content that can be considered highly distressing and offensive. Offensive content can include, but is not limited to, sexual activity between adults, videos with intense violent and videos of criminal activity. Illegal content includes materials advocating terrorism-related acts and child exploitation material. This type of content exists both on the everyday internet and on the dark web, an anonymous network.
9. Online Scams
These are usually in the form of ads or spam emails that include promises of rewards or offers of unrealistic amounts of money. Online scams include enticing offers that are “too good to be true” and when clicked on can cause malware to interfere and compromise information.
10. Exploit Kits
Exploit kits need a vulnerability (bug in the code of a software) in order to gain control of a user’s computer. They are readymade tools criminals can buy online and use against anyone with a computer. The exploit kits are upgraded regularly similar to normal software and are available on dark web hacking forums.
Conclusion on Cyber Crimes Classification and Types of Cyber Crimes
Most attackers use proxies to hide their IP address and, therefore, their true physical location. In this way, attackers can conduct fraudulent financial transactions, launch attacks, or perform other actions with little risk. While law enforcement can visit a physical location identified by an IP address, attackers that use one (or multiple) proxies across country boundaries are more difficult to locate.
By altering the host’s file or browser configuration to use the proxy, the attacker redirects requests and captures confidential information. Some banking Trojans give attackers the ability to proxy requests through the victim’s browser because conducting fraud from a legitimate user’s IP address is less suspicious.
Frequently Asked Question
Define Cyber Security
Cyber Security is a process that’s designed to protect networks and devices from external threats. Businesses typically employ Cyber Security professionals to protect their confidential information, maintain employee productivity, and enhance customer confidence in products and services.
List and explain different classification of cybercrimes
i. Insider Attack – An attack to the network or the computer system by some person with authorized system access is known as insider attack.
ii. External attack – When the attacker is either hired by an insider or an external entity to the organization, it is known as external attack.
iii. Unstructured attacks – These attacks are generally performed by amateurs who don’t have any predefined motives to perform the cyber-attack
iv. Structure attack – These types of attacks are performed by highly skilled and experienced people and the motives of these attacks are clear in their mind.