Definitions, Aims, Objectives, Importance, Purpose of Health Education


Definition, Aims, Objectives, Importance, Purpose of Health Education

Setting up healthy practices amid childhood is less demanding and more viable than attempting to alter unfortunate practices during adulthood. The school may be a place where education and health programs can have their most remarkable effect.

By the end of this a, you should be able to:

·Define health education

· Know the Aims of Health Education

·State the purpose of health education

· Know the Objectives of health Education

· Know the Importance of Health Education

·Demonstrate how to carry out health education

·Explain areas covered during health education.

Definition of Health education

Health education may be a formal type of interaction where health concept (a substance to move forward information, state of mind and hone) is instructed to emphatically impact these spaces of learning to guarantee that individuals are equipped with pertinent information and act independently in things pertaining to health.

Health Education is concerned with promoting health as well as reducing behavior induced diseases. In other words health education is concerned with establishing or inducing changes in personal and groups attitudes and behavior that promote healthier living. 

Health education as the sum of experiences, which favorably influence habits attitudes and knowledge relating o the individual community and social health.


Aims of Health Education

The following are the some of the main aims of health education:

1. To provide information about health and its value as community asset:  Health education aims at acquainting the etchers with the rules of health and hygiene.

Functioning of Precautionary measures to ward off diseases and to provide good disease free working conditions.

2. To maintain norms of good health: The authorities should provide hygienic environment in the form of adequate ventilation proper temperature, good sanitation and all round cleanliness. It helps the authorities to keep certain norms of health.

3. To take precautionary and preventive measures against communicable diseases: Its aim is to take adequate precautions against contamination and spread of diseases. Thus good sanitary arrangements are made. Precautionary and preventive measures. If they are properly adopted can help in improving the health standards of society.

4. To render assistance to the school going children an understanding of the nature and purpose of health services and facilities: It aims at discovering physical defects and other abnormalities in the child and promoting their reduction if they are easily curable.

5. To develop and promote mental and emotional health: Mental and emotional health is also equally important along with physical health. While physically health makes a pupil physically fit mental and emotional health enables him to maintain an even temper and a happy disposition.

6. To develop a sense of civic responsibility: School is a miniature society responsibility of skill health does not lie on any one’s shoulders. Even some cause of skill health has their origin in social conditions which require action on the part of community as a whole in order to eradicate them. It aims at realizing the people to make combined efforts and work for community health.


Purpose of Health Education

Health education offers assistance to students to learn skills and develop abilities they will utilize to form solid choices all through their lifetime. Schools ought to teach all children and youth in things relating to health and cleanliness.

The School Health Education (SHI) directs the angle of School Health, and it includes well-arranged and organized learning encounters for the school children beneath the control and supervision of instructors or licensed health staff.

Teachers and school children may serve as specialists in altering and restoring the poor condition of health in their different communities. Health educators also work in other settings in the community to help individuals to make informed choices about their health.

Read: Historical Background of Health Education

12 Objectives of health Education

The following are the comprehensive list of functional objectives of health education to be adopted in schools.

1. To enable the students to develop a scientific point of view of health with reference to traditional and modern concept of health.

2. To enable the students to identify health problems and understand their own role on health and to medical agencies in meeting those problems.

3. To enable the student to take interest in current events related to health.

4. To enable the students to arrive at suitable conclusions based on scientific knowledge and take action as an individual member of the family and community for protecting maintaining and promoting individual and community health.

5. To enable the students to set an example of desirable health behavior.

6. To enable the student to understand the causes of the pollution of air water, soil and food as well as their ways and means of prevention.

7. To enable the students to gain sufficient knowledge of first aid.

8. To provide desirable knowledge about marriage sex and family planning to the students.

9. To help students to understand the importance of Physical training sports, games, yogic exercises as well as their relationship with health education programme.

10. The emphasize students on the bad effects of smoking and taking alcohol etc.

11. The acquaint students with the functioning of various organizations working for the maintenance of health.

12. To help students understand how the present day rapid development of science and technology as increased the hazards of life and health problems and also how to face and prevent them.


Top 7 Importance of Health Education

Health education helps us in following ways:

1. Health education provides information to the students and the teachers about the function of the body the rule of health and hygiene and precautionary measures for keeping of diseases.

2. Health education helps in discovering physical defects of children and discovering various types of abnormalities of children.

3. Health education develops health habits like need of fresh air, hygienic feeding and various class room habits.

4. Health education provided knowledge regarding good health habits.

5. Health education develops better human relations between school home communities.

6. Health education provides knowledge regarding prevention and control of various diseases.

7. Health education proving first aid training essential for everyone an emergency may come to any one and at any time.

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In a nutshell, why is health education necessary?

Health education helps individuals to learn skills and develop abilities they will utilize to form solid choices about their health all through their lifetime.


How to Carry out Health Education

Carrying out compelling health education requires human and fabric assets. There must be the accessibility of guidelines, materials, abilities, and inspiration of the teachers who might be the educator or certified health staff.

There must be the utilization of fitting instructive strategy, and the quality of the substance of the health education ought to be of high quality.

Chalkboards, audiovisual offers bits of help, outline charts, pictures, blurbs, maps, and course readings might not necessarily make the learning of health information simple but make them longer within the memory of students.


Areas to cover during Health Education

The content of health education varies according to the situation and is vast in practice.

Typically, the content of health education may be classified as follows:

1. Human –Normal structure and function of the body, sexuality education, etc.

2. Family Welfare – Family health, family planning, Service child care, maternal care, and health, etc.

3. Nutrition – Nutrition needs at all ages, health and illness prevention of deficiency disease, etc.

Food selection and its importance in the development of the human body and health

4. Hygiene – personal and environmental hygiene and ways of healthful living. Regular health examinations, early correction of defects, protection of water, and safe disposal of refuse.

5. Various ailments and diseases. Their causes and ways and means of their prevention and cure.

Control of – Disease-causing organisms, mode of entry, prevention of spread, disease treatment, and control of infectious disease, the role of immunization, etc.

6. Mental Health – maintenance of mental health, Healthy attitudes

7. School health – personal hygiene, good food, prevention of infectious diseases, etc. Provide health information to parents and families through educational materials sent home and involvement in school-sponsored activities.

8. Emergency, first aid, and safety education – prevention of accidents in homes – hospitals, schools, and industries, health hazards due to physical, biological, and mechanical causes and ways to prevent them.

9. Health importance of water, air, light, physical exercise, recreation, rest and sleep, etc.


List 4 contents of health education

1. School health

2. Nutrition

3. Family welfare

4. Various ailments and diseases


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Conclusion on Definition, Aims, Objectives, Importance, Purpose of Health Education

Schools ought to teach all children and young people things relating to health and cleanliness.

Teachers and instructors are specialists that should help furnish and get them prepared with health education. Appropriate education procedure and the quality of the information of the health education must be guaranteed to have a positive impact.

This article examined the definition of health education, the purpose of health education, how to carry out health education, and areas to cover during health education.

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