Definitions, Types and Importance First Aid



Definitions, Types and Importance First Aid

There are conceptual meaning and definition of First aid, depending on how an individual or groups view it, i.e. it could be a matter of semantics. Some say it is first help given to a victim of accident, others say it is first treatment and so on. Whatever it is said to be, some considerations come to focus, such as the person attending to the accident victim, is he a trained first aider? The treatment itself could be temporary, if the environment was not conducive, etc.

Conceptual Definitions First Aid

For the purpose of this write up, this definition is considered useful, thus “First aid is the first, temporary and immediate, preferably, medically approved care or assistance given to an athlete or victim of accident at the playground or elsewhere e.g It could also be given to a victim of illness or any other condition that threatens life or the health of the athlete or victim, using the available materials before the arrival of a physician or getting the victim to the hospital.


What is First Aid?

First aid is the initial care given to an injured or suddenly ill person before the arrival of an expert. First aid is actually the most important branch of medical science. It is a vital aspect of preventive medicine in which a layperson has a worthwhile and rewarding part to play.

First aid is the immediate care given to a victim of an accident, sudden illness, or other medical emergencies. St. John Ambulance regards first aid as the skilled application of accepted principles of treatment on the occurrence of any injury or in the case of illness, using facilities or materials available at the time.

It is the approved method of treating a casualty (injured or sick person) until he or she is placed, if necessary, in the care of a doctor or other skilled first aider or before taking the casualty to the hospital, using available materials at the scene.

A first-aid programme contemplates the most adequate possible treatment of all the injuries that occur in spite of the efforts to prevent them. The results of an accident may be determined by the effectiveness of the first aid rendered.

First aid is an initial and immediate but temporary and simple medical attention (treatment), given to the injured or one with sudden illness, using the accepted principles before the service of a qualified physician is obtained.

First aid simply means a quick but simple medical welfare that is first given to an injured person or to an individual who took ill suddenly before the arrival of a trained medical doctor. It is therefore very important for bystanders to administer basic first aid in cases of accident, injury or sudden illness, because medical help may not be immediately available or accessible.

When first aid is judiciously given by bystanders, it can go a long way in saving lives and also serves as a bridge to survival before the arrival of professional paramedics. First aid is a set of practices that every person should administer in whatever situation regardless of their level of health education. However, bystanders usually need both courage and the necessary knowledge to give basic first aid correctly.


Objectives of First Aid

 i. To save or preserve life of the athlete

 ii. To prevent further aggravation or deterioration of the condition of the athlete

iii. To provide comfort to the athlete or victim

iv. To provide athlete with reassurance of care and improve his ailing condition.

v. To provide first and temporary care to the athlete

vi. To provide notes on the athlete’s condition to a physician

vii. To arrange or provide transportation to the hospital for further examination or treatment.


Values of First Aid

The values of First Aid are enormous and they include:

i. Value to self

ii. Value to others

iii. Value to civil defense e.g Red Cross

iv. Value in fostering, safety consciousness


Types of first aid

The below list are the major types of first aid:

1. Emergency First Aid

2. Standard First Aid

3. Child Care First Aid

4. Baby Sitter Course 

5. Home Alone Course 

6. Psychological First Aid

Let study in details!

Emergency First Aid: Includes the content for Basic First Aid involving life threatening injuries. Focus is on Airway, Breathing and Circulatory emergencies and prevention of such.  This course comes with CPR A (Adult skills) or CPR C (Adult, Child and Infant skills).

Standard First Aid: The most common course taken. Required by most employers, preferred by parents.  All content of the Emergency First Aid is covered as well as wound care, head neck and spine injuries and more.  This course comes with CPR A (Adult skills) or CPR C (Adult, Child and Infant skills).

Child Care First Aid: Meant for Dayhome/Daycare Providers. Covers the content for Standard First Aid plus additional content for Childhood Illnesses and Safety.  Comes with a level B CPR (Adult, Child and Infant skills).

Baby Sitter Course: Ages 11-15. Designed for pre-teens and teens.  Basic first aid and safety skills are taught.  Focus of this course is preventing and responding to emergencies should they occur while babysitting.  This course also offers youth the training to promote themselves as a babysitter to prospective parents.

Home Alone Course: Ages 9-12. Designed for kids staying home for a short period of time.  Focus is on safety and responding to emergencies.

Psychological First Aid: Psychological First Aid is a resiliency building wellness program that equips individuals in supporting themselves and others to cope with the effects of stress, loss, trauma and grief.

The importance of first aid

The importance of first aid is recognized all over the world and its capacity to make a difference cannot be overstated.

To have a competent first aid practitioner present is reassuring to the casualty, as well as to concerned people at the scene.

This first aider is the person most likely to take action and manage an emergency.

First aid makes a significant contribution to an ill or injured person’s recovery and, in an overwhelming number of cases, has been the difference between life and death.


The 3 Ps of First Aid

The 3 Ps of first aid represent the priorities in first aid treatment:

1 Preserve Life: The first aider’s number one responsibility is to preserve life. This means assessing the emergency scene for dangers to self, as well as to bystanders and, of course, to the casualty.

The caution for potential danger is the first step in the DRSABCD strategy. You can download a Basic Life Support chart for this DRSABCD strategy.

After determining whether the victim is responsive and calling 000 for emergency medical intervention, first aiders would check the person’s airway and breathing.

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) would follow in quick succession. You’ll find plenty of information on CPR, as well as downloads, in our Resource library.

2 Prevent Deterioration: This is all about keeping the patient’s condition stable so it does not worsen in the time spent waiting for medical professionals to arrive.

To do this, the first responder would provide first aid treatment and reassurance. Further injury would be guarded against and the casualty would be positioned safely and comfortably.

3 Promote Recovery: The first responder, in providing first aid treatment, would aim to relieve pain and encourage confidence in the patient. These are important steps in helping the recovery process.

These 3 Ps help prioritise a first responder’s actions and play an important role in emergency treatment for victims.


Why learn first aid?

First aid training imparts confidence to step up and take action when an emergency occurs. Responding promptly with effective first aid can save a life or prevent a person suffering permanent disability. Minimizing risk is invaluable. And prevention is better than cure.

First aid knowledge attunes your senses to be alert to, and to identify, potential hazards, both in the home and in the workplace.

This allows you, as a first aider, to determine the appropriate steps to minimize danger, including assessing safe emergency responses should they be needed.


When is first aid needed?

First aid certification is a condition of employment in many lines of work. When it comes to threats to our health, the workplace looms large — second only to our homes.

For example, where workers are in proximity to a health threat posed by high-powered machinery, there’s a justifiable need for qualified first aiders.

Trained first aid personnel are also critical for businesses or community operations that service public gatherings. This includes education centers, transport services, shopping malls, community swimming facilities, sport and fitness complexes, and more.

Despite its pivotal role in emergencies, first aid and its considerable benefits is not the domain of medical professionals.

Completing accredited first aid training is not difficult. It can be done at your convenience, with an online first aid course followed by hands-on training and assessment.

Your first aid certificate will give your job application a boost. It’s a requirement in many Australian workplaces.

More importantly, should the unexpected happen, your first aid training will have you prepared. Find an accredited first course where you can get your first aid certificate in one day.

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