Duties and Obligation of the Citizens to the State



Duties and Obligation of the Citizens to the State

Political obligations of the citizens to the state include paying allegiance to the state, obedience to the laws of the state and voting during elections. In fact, the first duty of citizens is to be loyal to the state. And this of course involves the respect for the National Flag, National Pledge and Anthem and all National Institutions.

By reason of the fact express above; that the state is the product of the peoples will or desire to live together in harmony, it is rational to state that inversely, the citizens owes it a duty to ensure that through his/her conduct, the state existence is preserve and not threatened. These expectations from the citizens to the state are referred to as “duties and obligations”. Obligation simply refers to the civic duty which a citizen is expected to perform in the state. Such obligations include:

i.       Obeying all laws of the state;

ii.      Pay task, rate and duties/levies

iii.     Loyalty to the state, like prompt response to national calls (e.g. National Youth Service Corp Scheme);

iv.     Respect for all constituted authorities;

v.      Civic Responsibility, like respect for the national symbol (Flag) and Anthem, exercise for one franchise, defense of the state, assisting in law enforcement and ethical orientation with regard superintend of good citizenship, Agarwal (2005) add to the above listed duties, the understated:

i.       Social sentiment;

ii.      Good health and sound physique;

iii.     Moderate thinking and self control;

iv.     Unselfishness and helpful attitude to others;

v.      Patriotism and proper use of adult suffrage.

To Agarwal (2005), they are equally a number of factors that could serve as hindrances to the display of good citizenship.

These negative citizens action include:

i.       Selfishness;

ii.      Favoritism and nepotism;

iii.     In differences and feeling of groupism;

iv.     Idleness;

v.      Illiteracy;

vi.     Poverty.

 also  read on: <<The Citizen and the Making of the State>>

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