How to Reduce Poverty in the State


How to Reduce Poverty in the State

Poverty is one of the main social problems faced by nearly every continents of the world. It is unspecified that poverty cannot be put into an end but it can definitely be reduced. A lot of people who lives in poverty have a mindset that it was a normal cycle that was generated from their forefathers, but as a matter of facts, this poverty can be broken through education and many other means. Understanding ways to prevent poverty has been an issue of great concern cross the world.

Despite the fact that Poverty and extreme poverty have been defined as lacking an adequate amount of resources to provide the necessities of life such as food, clean water, shelter and clothing. But in today’s world, that can be extended to include access to health care and education.

The World Bank defines global poverty as a pronounced and multidimensional deprivation in wellbeing. That is, what it is to be considered poor or impoverished depends on a number of different conditions and factors that vary from community to community. For example, one family may have the dollar amount sufficient to feed itself but lack adequate access to education or water. Because poverty represents such a wide variety of conditions, how to prevent poverty is an issue that requires a complex understanding of the circumstances in which one is working. Not only that, effective poverty prevention and reduction strategies will necessarily include either a multidimensional approach or take place in a network of projects that strive to prevent or reduce poverty on various levels. Understanding what it is that leads to hardship in specific communities and countries, poverty reduction efforts are more likely to prevent poverty all over the globe.

Discussed below are the top ways in which a state can prevent poverty:

1.   Giving Qualities Education:  Education enables upward socio-economic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty. Over the past decade, major progress was made towards increasing access to education and school enrollment rates at all levels, particularly for girls. Many nations offer free education for its citizens believing that after believe there is no excuse for anyone to be in poverty. When a child is offered an education they will then develop their knowledge and skills and also discover their full potential. Education has impacts on the rest of the societies. A woman’s degree of education is linked to the age at which she marries and has children, to her health and diseases, to her economic opportunities, to her social standing, and to her general future wellbeing. Educating citizens can reduce poverty in developing nations, as well as in the United States and other nations of the world.

2.   Creating Jobs Opportunities for Citizens:  Creating jobs in the state is an immense way to diminish poverty. When people have jobs, they have income, and when people have income, they can more easily get themselves out of poverty. The U.N. says that “unemployment and under employment lies at the core of poverty.

3.  Ensuring Economic Security in the State: Economic security is the resilience of the systems that provide a nation, region, community, individual or family with a basic standard of living. This implies management of risk and the design of systems to endure stress. The following are common types of economic security. Means people have the skills and resilience they need to withstand hard economic times and grow their incomes. Plan International works to overcome poverty by helping communities around the world gain the economic security they need to thrive, this includes training people living in poverty to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to secure a livelihood, and support their families.

4.  Ensuring quality Healthcare for Citizen: On the basis of several definitions in the literature, the WHO definition of quality of healthcare is “the extent to which health care services provided to individuals and patient populations improve desired health outcomes”. In order to achieve this, health care must be safe, effective, timely, efficient, equitable and people-centered.” Due to focused global advocacy, many countries have made progress in increasing the proportion of pregnant women who give birth in a health facility. However, this increase in coverage often has not translated in the expected reduction of maternal and newborn mortality and stillbirths. This is due to inadequacies in the quality of care provided in health facilities. Access to healthcare system is essentials.  Plan International helps communities build health clinics, train health care workers and invest in equipment and medicine, so children can grow up healthy and strong.

5.   Transparency in the political System:  Creating transparency in government spending of money can help reduce corruption in governments. When governments are accountable to their citizens for their action, or inaction, in different areas of the federal budget, the citizens will be able to accurately assess how well their leaders are leading their country. Also, it allows citizens to see if money is being taken away from poverty-reduction plans and into the pockets of their leaders, which could be a cause of a stagnant economy or job market.

6.   Avoiding of National money Owing:  The national debt is the public and intergovernmental debt owed by the central government. It is  also called sovereign debt, country debt, or government debt. It consists of two types of debt. The first is debt held by the public. The government owes this to buyers of its bonds. Those buyers are the country’s citizens, international investors, and foreign governments. The second type is intergovernmental debt. The federal government owes this to other government departments. It often funds government and citizens’ pensions. An example is the U.S. Social Security retirement account. The central government adds to the debt whenever it spends more than it receives in tax revenue. Each year’s budget deficit gets added to the debt. Each budget surplus gets subtracted. If these can be avoided in the state it will reduce the increases rate of poverty.

7.     Empower People Living in Poverty:  People living in poverty, with no or limited access to basic services can be empowered only with the joint contribution of private and public institutions. Poverty eradication among migrants through empowerment based on more integration and accessibility. Poverty is a situation that hits migrants in particular. By involving them in the development and implementation of plans and programs to reduce and eradicate poverty. Their involvement ensures that programs reflect those things that are important to them. Empowering people by giving them a good education that will prepare them to have a carrier and to hold a job that will make them more confident, give them the chance to learn from others, allow them to earn a good living to help their children to live a better life. Empowering people means enabling their access to the structures and knowledge which support a minimum income and standard of living. Many women do not have access to the value of their care giving work: ensuring financial supports for caregivers would help to eradicate poverty of women and men caregivers.

8.     Eliminate Barriers among Citizens:   Equal right should be given to all persons who are qualified to have access to resources and services in the state. These will help in poverty elimination.

9.    Invest in and Implement Agricultural Programs: China has helped over 800,000 million people  out of poverty since 1978. As a part of its strategy to eradicate poverty by 2020, the Agricultural Bank of China will lend more than $400 billion to help develop rural areas, fund education, infrastructure, and crop production. Encouraging countries to engage in agricultural programs is a path to be out of poverty. Agriculture is the key to growth and prosperity which serves as poverty preventive measures in the state.

10.    Encouragement of Technology and Innovation in the State: Technological and innovation is the process where an organization (or a group of people working outside a structured organization) embarks in a journey where the importance of technology as a source of innovation has been identified as a critical success factor for increased market competitiveness. The wording “technological innovation” is preferred to “technology innovation”. “Technology innovation” gives a sense of working on technology for the sake of technology. Including internet access and affordable energy. In Bangladesh, only 40 percent of the rural poor have access to grid electricity. Those that do have access endure frequent power outages. The Second Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project plans to increase access to electricity in rural areas via renewable energy sources.

<< Read on top 10 Causes of Poverty in a State>>

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