Meaning of First Aid and Why do we give First Aid?



Meaning of First Aid and Why do we give First Aid?

Meaning of First Aid

Sports present opportunities where emergencies are inevitable. These emergencies present themselves in the form of injuries, here called sports injuries. Recall that sports injuries are those injuries one incurs when taking part in exercise or sports. If you know first aid procedures you will be well prepared to handle sports injuries. This knowledge and its` practice can mean the difference between life and death.

First aid is the immediate care given to an injured person or a victim of sudden illness before a professional medical help arrives. It is a treatment modality recognized and accepted worldwide. According to St. John Ambulance, first aid is the skillful application of accepted principles of treatment on the occurrence of an accident or in the case of sudden illness, using facilities or materials available at the time.

Therefore, knowing that injuries in sports are emergencies, those organizing sports must make available first aid personnel, facilities and materials, with a good emergency action plan. Many of the persons who have prematurely stopped active participation in sports, or who have died from sports related injuries could have been help by proper first aid.

Why do we give first aid?

The following are the objectives of first aid:

1. To reduce the pain caused by the injury;

2. To promote the healing of the injury;

3. To prevent complication of the injury,

4. In general, to reduce the suffering of the injured person.

Other are:

5. It does more than help save lives.

It is true that having first aid training undoubtedly helps save lives. That is not all though; giving appropriate first aid immediately can help to reduce a person’s recovery time and make the difference between the patient having a temporary and long term disability. You will learn how to remain calm in emergency situations and you’ll learn simple acronyms to help you recall the steps you need to take. First aid training will make you confident and comfortable and therefore more effective and in control when you need to be.

6. It enables you to increase patient comfort.

Not all accidents, injuries or illnesses require a trip to the hospital but it does not mean they don’t cause pain and suffering to the patient. A child crying because of a bruised elbow or with a fever is in pain and is suffering. By knowing how to act even just by employing simple techniques such as applying an ice pack correctly, or utilizing appropriate bandaging, you will help to relieve their discomfort. You will also provide emotional support by remaining calm and collected which will make them feel more secure and reduce their anxiety levels.

7. It gives you tools to prevent the situation from becoming worse.

In some situations if a patient does not receive basic first aid care immediately their situation will deteriorate often rapidly. By being able to provide basic care you can stabilize a patient until emergency medical services arrives. You will learn how to use basic household items as tools if a first aid kit is not available meaning that you will be able to cope with many situations.

You will also be trained in how to collect information and data about what happened and the patients’ condition. This information will be passed on to the emergency services, which saves them time you will be a valuable link in the chain of survival.

8. It creates the confidence to care.

Having a basic first aid knowledge means that you’ll be confident in your skills and abilities in relation to first aid administration. By taking first aid training, it helps you to reflect on yourself and how you and others react in certain situations. Having this understanding will boost your confidence in a wide range of non-medical day to day situations.

9. It encourages healthy and safe living.

One of the first things you will learn during your first aid training is that you must look after yourself and ensure your own safety as a is not being selfish, it is being practical. Keeping yourself safe means you are in a position to help others rather than needing help yourself. You will also learn about the importance of healthy living and how lifestyle habits and choices can increase or decrease your risks of developing problems such as coronary heart disease. Having this knowledge makes you more aware of your own health and alert to potential hazards posed by your surroundings.


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