Philosophy and Objectives of Home Economics
Philosophy in general and definition of philosophy as applicable to discipline or profession. Philosophy is the statements that guide the training and practice of a discipline.
In this article and the next we will focus specifically on the philosophy and objectives of Home Economics.
We will also examine the need to state the philosophy of Home Economics; we will discuss several definitions of the philosophy of Home Economics and will arrive at an acceptable contemporary definition with a far-reaching coverage.
The strategies by which this philosophy is sought to be achieved in Nigeria will also be listed.
The need for philosophy statement of a profession/discipline cannot be overemphasized. Every profession/discipline has a philosophical basis for training and practice.
Philosophy of Home Economics, therefore, are statements of belief which the training and practice of Home Economics are based.
The need for stating the philosophy of Home Economics arises for the following reasons:
1. To understand alternate philosophies of the discipline and their evolution in relation to realities of social changes.
2. To formulate goals, objectives and plans appropriate for Home Economics education and development in the nation concerned.
3. To develop necessary human resources and competence appropriate for various educational and community settings.
4. To articulate and defend a personal philosophy of Home Economics informed by professionally relevant conceptualization.
5. To organize one’s own professional resourcefulness, development and growth in matters relating to Home Economics.
6. Will elucidate (open up) areas of communication and collaboration with colleagues from relevant fields in planning and implementation.
What is Philosophy of Home Economics?
Defining Philosophy of Home economics, the philosophy of Home Economics has developed over the years, but the essentials of promoting family living has remained the centre hold. It has been stated in varying ways only to culminate in the same intent and purpose.
The American Home Economics Association defines Home Economics as a field of knowledge and service concerned primarily with strength of family.
At the international meeting of the Permanent Council of Home Economics (Berlin 1965), Home Economics was described as the possible knowledge of all problems regarding home and family, emphasizing research finding dissemination on matters concerning food, clothing, shelter, health and human relationships.
Olaitan and Onagusiobo have conceptualized Home Economics as the study of human and matter resources affecting homes and families, and the use of this knowledge for the benefit of mankind.
From both definitions above Home Economics appears to be the study of activities of the home and their relationships to their environment.
In other words, the philosophy of Home Economics could be simply said to be the conceptualization that defines its content as a discipline at any point in History.
In subsequent unit you will learn about the historical development of Home Economics. Hence the contemporary philosophy of Home Economics is the application of the knowledge from the pure and applied sciences, social sciences, Arts and Humanities to develop men and women with fundamental competences in proffering scientific solutions to problems in the use of resources to access and increase information on the facts of life and improve living in the family, the community, nation, and the world at large.
From the definition of the contemporary philosophy of Home Economics you will observe that Home Economics as a discipline has a broad knowledge base, drawing on pure sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, applied sciences such as Nutrition, information technology, engineering of home appliances, while social sciences include subjects such as sociology, family living, human development and psychology.
In the field of Arts and Humanities, such knowledge as Fine Arts, and Environmental as well as Communication arts are inclusive. All these basic courses as mentioned here form the basis for the applied courses in Home Economics requires to produce competent personnel capable of improving the living of not just the family, but of the community, nation and the world at large.
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Approaches of Implementing Home Economics Philosophy in Nigeria
The philosophy of Home Economics is sought to be achieved in Nigeria through the following:
1. Preparing the individual for home making and family life. E.g. roles as a husband/father, wife/mother, fundamental training in marriage and family.
2. Nurturing and fostering physical development and well-being of the family, community, nation, and institutions (such as schools, hospitals, restaurants)
3. Helping at various governmental levels in their central body for planning and implementing Home Economics programs in education, extension and others at various levels in the country.
4. Taking up positions in the work force (public and private) as Nutritionists in hospitals and communities, as Institutional Managers, Interior Designers, Household Equipment Testers, Textile and Fashion Designers, Administrators in Education and Child Welfare Agencies, Teachers and Research Workers.
5. Keeping up with recent developments in the discipline through organizing of seminars, conferences, reading a wide variety of professional journals and implementing current ideas emanating from such in order to make and carry out intelligent decisions.
6. Contributing to knowledge and improvement strategies through research and communications.
7. Bring about good interpersonal relationships within the home, the community and hence contribute to the world peace at large.
Conclusion onPhilosophy and Objectives of Home Economics
We have seen that the philosophy of Home Economics could be stated in different ways, but the essentials of promoting family living and by extension that of the community, nation, and the world at large remains the Centre hold. This aim has been shown to be sought through certain Home Economics activities.
In this article, reasons for the need to state the philosophy of Home Economics have been advanced. Several versions and the contemporary philosophy of Home Economics have been stated.
The strategies by which the philosophy of Home Economics is sought to be achieved have been listed.