What is Personal Health? & It Importance of Personal Health



What is Personal Health? & It Importance of Personal Health

Several professionals in health education had advocated the importance of promoting healthy practices among different classes of individuals within society. It enables people live healthy lifestyles and become productive members of society. This is the rationale behind the advocacy as a strategic constituent of health education. 

Personal health refers to the healthy living of individuals.

Personal health is extremely vital, and without it, we tend not to feel well; there can be tiredness or weariness, digestive problems, and perhaps sharp limitations on the pleasurable (physical activities), and array of health problems.

This can increase amounts of money spent on treatments and health as well as time and money spent for doctors’ consultations and hospitals.

In this article, you should be able to:

• Explain the meaning of personal health

• Explain the importance of personal health

• Methods to Keep Our Body Healthy

• Discuss the role of Health educator in promoting personal health

• List the effects of poor hygiene.

• Care of Eyes, Ears and Nose


What is Personal Health?

According to public understanding, health is view as the absence of diseases or infirmity in the body of an individual. The definition of Personal health is the science to achieve a positive health by individual purpose and activities in terms of physical, mental and social aspects.

In this note, we have discussed Personal health, Our body healthy, Methods of keeping our body healthy, Care of eyes, ears and nose, and also Nutrition status and body mass index (BMI)etc.

Personal health is the ability to take responsibility for health, by making conscious choices efforts to be healthy. It does not solely refer to the physical well being of a person; however, contains the well being of emotional, intellectual, social, economic, spiritual, and other areas of life.

The majority of individuals understand that doctors should be consulted for major diseases, even as the over the counter (OTC) drugs we use for the short term and minor ailments, therefore the health educator is supposed to recommend to people at risks during this period, the need to go for a consultation before taking medication no matter how minor they assume the ailment is.

Drug complications could escalate a mild ailment to a more severe ailment. Studies have confirmed the poor knowledge of individuals regarding drug interaction.


Our Body Healthy

We need to keep proper care of our body for the smooth functioning of our both external and internal organs. Where cells, organs, and tissue are a total combination of the different system. 

Our cleanliness, food habits, and personal health determine the health of our body.

The reason why we need to keep ourselves healthy are given below:

· To live an active, comfortable and healthy life.

· To control and stop various diseases.

· To live a long life free from diseases and unfitness.

· To destroy several diseases which have been taking the lives of people in the world.


Methods to Keep Our Body Healthy

Various diseases have frightened human survival. Many diseases like AIDS/HIV, Hepatitis B and Cancer etc still do not have any treatment but they can only prevent. Because of this, it has taken a life of many people everywhere in the world.

We can be free from dangerous diseases if we choose a healthy life. To create a healthy environment we need to spread the awareness. We can stay healthy if we follow the given method:

1. According to our age and physical, mental capacities we need to have a balanced diet. We need to make the habit of taking milk, fruits, fish, meat, egg, cereals, pulses, green leafy vegetables etc. regularly.

2. To have their body active and to tone up their muscles growing children should involve in sports regularly. And not only growing children but also pregnant women, old people, an adult should join in fitting exercise.

3. To save infants from dangerous infection within one year they should be provided with BCG, DPT, HepatitisB, Polio etc. TT vaccination should be taken by pregnant women. According to the prevalence of diseases, infants should be immunized.

4. Personal health and hygiene are important for us and on a regular basis personal cleanliness are necessary. 

5. We need to be far from a drug. We should avoidance of bad habits. It does not only spoil our health but also our life.


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Importance of Personal Health

· Staying healthy physically also assist individuals to remain healthy emotionally.

· Eating the right food and keeping fit makes the body healthy, helps one address stress, and additionally fight diseases.

· Getting regular sleep is another essential way to keep healthy.

· Additionally, having good personal health is to develop good personal habits and hygiene.

· Good personal hygiene are directly associated with fewer illnesses and better health.

· Poor personal hygiene habits will result in some minor side effects, like body odor and greasy skin.

· It can also lead to awkward or maybe severe issues.

· Poor hygiene conduct can also affect an individual’s self-esteem.


The Role of Health Educator in promoting Personal Health

Community members should be advised by the health educator to develop good hygiene and practices to stay healthy.

However, considering that school children are nevertheless very young, and in their formative years, health educators should teach them a great deal of hygiene in their schools through health talks and demonstrations directed at developing healthy habits (personal hygiene) to help them to stay healthy throughout life.

The instructions should consist of the following:

• Toilet hygiene: hand washing with water and soap after using the toilet. In the absence of water and soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol in it can be used.

• Shower: at least daily or twice a day. When bathing, take special care of folds; Armpits, neck, groins, in between toes, belly, elbows, knees, etc.

Wash hair with soap every other day if you wear a low cut or short hair. If you braid your hair, every fourth night should be considered.

• Teeth hygiene:Brush teeth twice daily; morning and last thing at night before going to bed. Use toothpaste with fluoride brushing up to two minutes each time of brushing.

• Nail hygiene:trim nails regularly to keep them short and clean. Brush them with a nail brush or washcloth to rinse away buildup, dirt, and germs.

Hand washing before and after meals must be encouraged.

The under-listed are some of the outcomes of neglecting personal health (hygiene).

Read: 7 Basic Roles and Responsibilities of a Health Educator

Care of Eyes, Ears and Nose

The sense organs are the windows through which we observe the external world. An important aspect of our Personal health is care of eyes, ears, and nose.

We should clean our sense organs regularly.

Care of Eyes

Eyes are the sense of vision and it plays a vital role in our body. It helps to perform different activities in our life. The eye is a sensitive part of human body. So, we should take care of our eyes.

We should pay attention toward following points for the safety of our eyes:

· We should not rub our eyes with dirty hands, dirty water or towel it is because it’s may cause an eye infection.

· We can use a soft cloth or tub of water if dust or tiny insects enter in our eyes.

· We should wash our eyes with clean and cold water at thrice a day.

· We should never look directly strong radiation and the sun.

· We can even use the sunglasses to protect yourselves from dust and dirt as well as from strong light of the sun.

· We should not watch TV for a long time sitting very close to it. The right distance of reading and writing is a distance of 25 to 30 cm between the book.

· We should be far from pointed and sharp objects.

· We should have a food which contains vitamin A .Liver, meat, fish; yellow fruits, carrot and dark-green leafy vegetables are important sources of vitamin A.

· If there is any eye infection then we should consult an ophthalmologist.

Method of Cleaning Eyes

Our eyes are very sensitive so never rub eyes hardly.

In case dust or tiny insects enter our eyes we can use a soft cloth or tub of water to remove them.

By keeping clean water in a clean flat dish and dip your eyes for few times and constantly close and open your eyelids to rid of dirt in this way also we can clean our eyes.

Care of Ears

Ear plays a significant role in hearing. Without it, we cannot hear any sound and get information. We should much more care full about its safety. Loud sound is harmful to ears it may also damage.

We should pay attention toward given points for the safety of ears:

· Don’t enter any sharp and pointed objects to remove the earwax it should be avoided because it may injure the eardrums makes deaf forever.

· Using oil into the ears is not a good practice. As far as possible water should not be let enter the ears.

· Loud noise is not good for ears it may make us deaf. So, as possible stay far from noise.

· Long time use of earphones or headphones regularly may harmful in your hearing capacity.

· In the case of an earache or any ear infection, you should consult an ENT specialist.

Method of Cleaning

Ears As we know ear is the sensitive organs of our body. We need to be careful while cleaning it. So, after taking a bath to remove the earwax is easy it is because the wax becomes softer and easily come out by using sanitary buds which are available in the market. Don’t enter any sharp and pointed objects in ears it may damage your ears dumb.


Care of Nose

Nose is an important sense organ of our body. It sends the sensation of different kinds of smell to the brain. They are the sense of smelling and breathing.

We should pay attention toward given points for the safety of nose:

· We should not insert fingers or any other pointed objects into the nostrils for cleaning them.

· We should use marks or clean cloth to cover nose while breathing in a polluted environment.

· We should not blow our nose with force.

· We should consult a physician if there is any infection in the nose.


Method of Cleaning nose

The nose should be clean regularly. By blowing carefully and washing them with clean and cold water we can clean a nose. Never use the fingers or any other sharp objects to clean a nose.

Read: 21 Top Functions of Health Educations (What Trained Health Educators Do)

Effects of Poor Hygiene


·Pubic lice

·Head lice

·Body lice

·Body odor

· Greasy skin


·Athlete’s foot



·Swimmer’s ear

·Hot tub rash.

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